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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Computer science jobs in Zensar Technologies, Feb-2012

Zensar Technologies 

Front End Developer
Job Code: IND/ZEN/1011
Experience required:4 - 5 Yrs
Location: Pune
Skills Required:

  • Strong understanding of extensive CSS and Usability Interface (HTML/XHTML).

  • Experience with cross-platform, cross-browser development.

  • Strong development capability with client-side, object oriented, JavaScript and a passion for UI.

  • Experience with AJAX, DOM, DHTML, JQuery, Dojo, and JSON.

  • Experience and familiarity with version control (CVS, Subversion), XML, web/application servers.

  • Basic understanding of Java programming frameworks (spring, J2EE, N-tier Applications) are required in the candidate.

  • For further information please visit: