Civil judge vacancies in High court Andhra Pradesh
High court of Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad has advertised for Civil Judge(Junior Divison) posts details of which are given as under.
Post: Civil Judge(Junior Divison)
No. of Posts: Total-69 (General-40,Backlog-29)
Age: 35 Years as on 01-02-2011
Qualification: Degree in Law from a recognized Law University.
Fee: Rs.100 in form of bank DD (For General and OBC) in favour of "The Registrar(Recruitment), High Court of Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad)" payable at Hyderabad. (SC/ST need not deposit any fee)
How to Apply: Apply in prescribed format and sent to the Principal District Judge of the concerned District where candidate lives and outside candidates from other states submit to the nearest Principal District Court of Andhra Pradesh or the Registrar(Recruitment), High court of Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad
Last date for submission/receipt of Application at above address is 01-03-2011
Important Dates: Last date for applying is 25-02-2011
For further details: